Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 616.8-009.831-07.577.3

Changes in lipid oxidation in comatose patients

Kuligin A.V., Zhdanov I.G.

Саратовский государственный медицинский университет


Conclusions: 1. Ironounced disorder of lipid peroxidation is noted in comatose patients from the moments of their admission which is independent from the cause of uncosciousness, irrespectively of the administered intensive therapy. 2. The dynamics of lipid peroxidation accompanying a complex drug therapy with water – soluble antioxidants mexidol and mafusol, indicates a decrease in the activity of free radicals and a considerable activation of the anlioxidant system. 3. Administration of mexidol and mafusol as part of intensive therapy of comatose patients permits both to correct the disorder of free radical processes and to improve treatment outcomes reducihg the patient's stay at the resuscitation department.



Кулигин Александр Валерьевич – к.м.н. доцент кафедры анестезиологии и реаниматологии СГМУ. 410012 г.Саратов ул.Б.Казачья, д.112, Тел.: (8452) 27-33-70, 51-15-32 E-mail :