UDK: 616.34.092-616.36.008.6-617.55-036.11-089
Klimovich I.N., Zhidovinov G.I., Yaroshenko I.F., Novochadov V.V., Popova I.S., Matyukhin V.V., Igolkina L.A.
Кафедры госпитальной хирургии, физиологии ВолГМУ, ВНЦ РАМН и АВО
24 hours after beginning the experriment, pronounced morphologic changes of all lagers of the lagre intestine were noted, especially of the mucosa. These changes were accompanied by spasm of intraparietal vessels with reduction of the blood flow and opening of arteriovenous anastomoses. Due to the opened anastomoses arteriovenous blood outplow increased, which reduces perfusion of intestinal tissues and promotes ischemia with circulatory hypoxia, the latter being aggravated by metabolic hypoxia as intensification of lipid peroxidation continues. Pathologic changes in the small intestine were 6–24 hours ahead of structural changes in the liver and kidneys. By the end of the experiment the acute intestinal insufficiency lyndrome intensefied, while insufficiency of functional detoxicating systems (the liver and kidneys) was clearly indicated by morphologic changes.
Попова Ирина Степановна – д.м.н., профессор кафедры хирургических болезней с курсом проктологии ФУВ ВолГМУ (8442) 67-24-07, 69-71-88, iri6428@yandex.ru