UDK: 618.14-089:615.849-003.92/93 — 092.9
V. M. Timerbulatov, R. R. Fayazov, I. V. Sakhautdinova, E. R. Valitova
Институт последипломного образования Башкирского государственного медицинского университета
The paper focuses on the result of surgical treatment of 106 patients with uterine myomas using modern technologies. Laparoscopy in conjunction with argon-induced electrocoagulation, ultrasonic scalpel — and radiowave knife have been used for the removal of myomatous nodes. Our clinico-experimental study has confirmed that with radiowave energy, reparative regeneration started in the early stage had a slight inflammatory reaction and minimal coagulation necrosis. Comparative analysis of the surgical energy showed that myomectomy using the radiowave knife turns out to be the least time consuming.
myoma, myomectomy, surgical devices