UDK: 616-089.844:611.77-006.6
I. R. Dashkova, A. N. Irkhina
Ростовский научно-исследовательский онкологический институт
Combined reparative surgery is most acceptable in view of its relative simplicity and convenience in replacement of anatomically complex and very extensive defects of skin occurring after excision of advanced tumours of the scalp. We have applied this method when all other plastic operations failed, in cases of extensive skin lesions with infiltration of underlying tissues, i.e. in cases presenting technical limit of possible excision. Complete engraftment in combined plastic surgery is possible even in cases of vast excision of tumour with ablation of underlying bone.
skin cancer of cranial vault, combined reparative surgery
Дашкова Ирина Рудольфовна — к. м. н., врач- онколог Ростовского НИИ онкологии, e-mail: rnioi@list.ru