UDK: 616.89-008.447-053.6
E. V. Lifanova, O. E. Verstakova, M. Yu. Budnikov
Кафедра нормальной физиологии ВолГМУ
This paper is devoted to investigation of psychophysiological correlates of addictive behaviour in senior high school adolescents and development of individual algorithm of practical use for increasing adaptation poten tial, decreasing anxiety, increasing emotional stability, enhancement of cognitive functions, optimization of central nervous system functioning, balancing of autonomic nervous system functioning.
addictive behaviour, psychophysiological correlates, adaptation potential
Лифанова Елена Викторовна — к. м. н., доцент кафедры нормальной физиологии Волгоградского государственного медицинского университета, e-mail: ev.lifanova@rambler.ru