UDK: 616.33-002.44-089-06
M. A. Topchiev, D. N. Zavyalov, A. A. Jidovinov, V. V. Antonyan
Астраханская государственная медицинская академия
15—40 % of patients subjected to stomach resection have the postgastroresectional syndrome (dumping-syndrome, reflux-gastritis etc.). To determine the risk of dumping-syndrome in the preoperative period prognostic estimations were used, and a way of stomach resection with creation of a valve in closed apparatus of its stump was proposed, which enables one to reduce the rate of development of postgastroresectional syndrome.
postgastroresectional syndrome, dumping-syndrome, prognostic index, nonreflux anastomosis
Жидовинов Алексей Александрович — д. м. н., Астраханская государственная медицинская академия, e-mail: jidovinov@mail.ru