UDK: 616.995.122-036.12-07:004:616.8:616.8:616.34-07(043.3)
A. F. Fedorovsky, N. V. Zasorina, N. V. Karbischeva
Диагностический центр Алтайского края, Алтайский медицинский университет
At present the incidence rate of chronic opisthorchosis among the able-bodied population is gaining a socio-economic character. Despite successful diagnostics of this condition, the problem perseveres and requires development and implemen-tation of new, more precise and economic diagnostic methods, which help to iden-tify an early invasion. This paper describes a new method of opisthorchosis inva-sion detection based on using neuronetwork techno logies. The analysis of the endoscopic view of upper gastrointestinal pathological changes yielded typical endoscopic criteria of chronic opisthorchosis. A new neuronetwork computer pro-gram was developed in accordance with these factors. This program is easy to use, economic and more effective than present screening tests.
diagnostic value, gastrointestinal tract, chronic opisthorchosis, neuroinformation technologies
Засорина Наталья Викторовна — врач-эндоскопист отделения эндоскопии №1 отдела эндоскопии Диагностического Алтайского края, e-mail: nzasorina@mail.ru