UDK: 618. 145-007
N. V. Ermolova
Ростовский НИИ акушерства и педиатрии
The content of epidermal growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor and receptors for this factors of blood serum and peritoneal fluid in patients with external genital endometriosis and infertility was investigated. An increased level of endothelin-1 in peritoneal fluid of patients of this group was revealed.
external genital endometriosis, infertility, epidermal growth factor, vascular endothelial growth factor, endothelin-1.
Ермолова Наталья Викторовна — к. м. н., врач гинекологического отделения № 1 ФГУ «Ростовский НИИ акушерства и педиатрии Росздрава», e-mail: E.Ladygina@rniiap.ru