UDK: 616-089.844:616-06:615.849:611.717+611.718-006.6
I. R. Dashkova, N. A. Zakharova
Ростовский научно-исследовательский онкологический институт
The method of surgical treatment of skin tumours and side-effects of radiation therapy of skin tumours of extremities consists in plastic restoration of postoperative defects using a complex of adjacent tissues, taking into account angioarchitectural peculiarities of the donor skin. Grafts vascularized with perforant vessels possess high vitality and reliability, identical in colour and skin texture to recipient zone. Immediate proximity to perceiving zone contributes to minimal deformation of donor area. Using the method of plasty with dermatofascial grafts on perforant vessels in treatment of malignant skin tumours and late radiation complications in the working group of the patients did not aggravate remote results of treatment, considerably improving immediate results. The method contributes to performing more radical surgery operations at the same time decreasing the risk of postoperative complications, and improving medical and social rehabilitation of patients.
dermatofascial grafts, skin tumours, plasty of defects of extremities
Дашкова Ирина Рудольфовна — кандидат медицинских наук, врач-онколог Ростовского научно-исследовательского института онкологии, научный сотрудник, e-mail: rnioi@list.ru