UDK: 616-073.756.8
Vorobiev A.A., Kamaev V.A., Petryhin A.V., Egin E.I., Poroiskii S.V., Barinov A.S., Egin M.E., Kraynev A.V., Andryushenko F.A.
Волгоградский научный центр РАМН и Администрации Волгоградской области, Волгоградский государственный технический университет, Волгоградский областной кардиологический центр
This paper is devoted to the problem of increasing medical diagnostic efficiency. The main practical aspects of Xray Computed Tomography (X-CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) application are considered and using of special computer support system for noninvasive imaging and investigation is proposed. The main functions and appropriate components of the computer program i.e the methodological substantivation of proposed methods are described. Special attention is given to the problems of individualized of research. The procedures of computer-aided synthesis and analysis of virtual topo-anatomical stages make possible to obtain the adequate representation of a real patients characteristics in an apparent and essentially informative form. The achieved results can be used in in-patient medical and telemedical centres as well as in mobile telemedical laboratories.
Воробьев Александр Александрович – д.м.н., профессор, зав. кафедрой оперативной хирургии и топографической анатомии ВолГМУ, cos.volgmu@mail.ru