UDK: 616.24-022.7:616-036.22:616-056.7
A. V. Martynova
Владивостокский государственный медицинский университет
Various forms of pneumococcal infections are the most frequent disease in almost all medical specialties. And one of the most important aspects in forecasting the outcome of pneumococcal infection is the evaluation of comorbidity in infection process caused by the S.pneumoniae. However, until recently, there has been no single method for evaluation of pneumococcal infection morbidity in patients with different concomitant diseases. We have applied the method of Charleson ME (1987) which allowed a description of the data on pneumococcal infections morbidity basing on the count of cumulative risk.
pneumococcal infections, comorbidity, epidemiological analysis
Мартынова Алина Викторовна — к.м.н., ассистент кафедры эпидемиологии Владивостокского государственного медицинского университета, e-mail: clinmicro@yandex.ru