UDK: 617.741-089.843
I. G. Smetankin
Нижегородская государственная медицинская академия
This randomized study of 63 patients (63 eyes) compared the effects of three methods on functional results after refractivе lens replacement. In 20 eyes coaxial phacoemylsification was performed, in 22 eyes microincision sleeveless bimanual phacoemylsification was performed, in 21 eyes — microincision bimanual phacoaspiration. In conclusion, better results were achieved in microincision sleeveless bimanual phacoemylsification and microincision bim anual phacoaspira-tion groups. Minimal intraoperative trauma may explain the differences between groups.
refractivе lens replacement, coaxial phacoemylsification was performed, microincision sleeveless bimanual phacoemylsification was performed, microincision bimanual phacoaspiration
Сметанкин Игорь Глебович — кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры глазных болезней Нижегородской государственной медицинской академии, e-mail: ismetankin@yandex.ru