UDK: 616.12 005.4-053-076.5
S. I. Chernova, V. N. Plohov
Отделенческая клиническая больница, Волгоград
The content of proinflammatory сytokines IL-1, TNF- and IL-6 in patients with atherosclerosis of brachiocephalic arteries were studied. Direct correlation communication between the total area of atherosclerotic lesion, quantity of stenotic arteries and the content of pro-inflammatory cytokines are shown. The interrelation of disorder of lipid indicators with level proinflammatory cytokines is noted.
atherosclerosis, proinflammatory cytokines, quantity of stenotic arteries, total area of atherosclerotic lesion, disorder of lipid indicators.
Чернова Светлана Ивановна — к. м. н., заведующая поликлиникой №1 НУЗ «Отделенческая клини- ческая больница», e-mail: sichernova@yandex.ru.