UDK: 612.82-007.246:591.3:577.175.52
V. G. Ovsjannikov, A. V. Kapliev
Ростовский государственный медицинский университет
Laterality changes of catecholamines (CA): adrenaline (A), noreadrenaline (NA), dopamine (DA) in the structures of brain hemispheres of male white rats was studied from their for four weeks. The general domination sinistrocerebral CA and «mixed» type of CA-profile with dextral A and NA components and sinistral laterality of DA was found in newborn animals. Left side CA-asymmetry was contrasted due to the dextral NA-component inverse in the cortex and hippocampus during the appearance of vision period. Unipolar sinistral CA-profle and the increase of laterality grade of all its elements was formed by the age of four weeks. Interhemispere CA-profile of hippocampus was practically unchanged in comp arison with appearance of vision period.
ontogenesis, catecholamines, interhemispere asymmetry
Каплиев Андрей Викторович — аспирант кафедры патологической физиологии Ростовского государственного медицинского университета, e-mail: capandr@aaanet.ru