UDK: 616-053.6+616.89-008.441.42-008.6:612.62.62/63+616-092
V. O. Andreeva
Ростовский научно-исследовательский институт акушерства и педиатрии
Serum leptin and neuropeptide Y levels have been determined in 2 studied groups of patients and in the control group. A decreased leptin level was found at the anorectic stage, and hyperproduction of leptin was found at the stage of reduction of anorexia nervosa. It was also determined that leptin level is not depend on BMI. Hypoleptinemia of anorectic stage was accompanied by a decreased neuropeptide Y level, which indicates formation of resistance to the low leptin level that may be caused by a disorder of leptin transport through the hematoencephalic barrier and by hypoinsulinemia.
leptin, neuropeptide Y, anorexia nervosa, reproductive dysfunction, adolescent girls
Андреева Вера Олеговна — д. м. н., ведущий научный сотрудник акушерско-гинекологического отдела ФГУ «Ростовский научно-исследовательский институт акушерства и педиатрии Росмедтехнологий», e-mail vandreyeva@mail.ru.