UDK: 617-001:616.833.1
Yu. N. Chirkin, S. N. Simonov
МЛПУ «Городская больница № 3», Медицинский институт Тамбовского государственного университета имени Г. Р. Державина
Within the framework of complex cliniko-epidemiological research of prevalence of craniocereberal trauma and the organisation of medical aid to the victims we studied death rate and general lethality in craniocereberal trauma. Demographic damage from craniocereberal traumas to the population of Tambov was estimated. We were the first to work out the negative impact of craniocerebral trauma deaths on average life expectancy using the method of plotting lethality tables.It is shown that death rate from the given kind of traumas reduces life expectancy of men by 1,4 years, and women — by 0,55 years; thus the vital potential of population is reduced by 109282 man-years.
craniocereberal trauma, lethality, lifespan
Симонов Сергей Николаевич — д. м. н., профессор кафедры клинических дисциплин Медицинского института Тамбовского государственного университета имени Г. Р. Державина, e-mail: simonovsn@mail.ru