Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 613.312- 614.166.89-008.441.13 (460.45)

Social-demographic characteristics and medico-social problems of drug addicts in Volgograd

Yatsyshena T. L., Latyshevskya N.I., Krasukov N. D., Kirichenko S.P., Filippov A.G.

Кафедра гигиены ВолГМУ, Волгоградский областной наркологический диспансер, Комитет по здравоохранению Волгоградской области


Social-demographic and medico-social analyses of drug addicts living in Volgograd were carried out. The specific character and some regularities of the situation with drug addicts, which may be useful for regulating the situation, were revealed.



Латышевская Наталья Ивановна – д.м.н., профессор, зав. кафедрой общей гигиены и экологии ВолГМУ,