Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 616.314.17- 008.1:615.262.1

Modern clinical, instrumental and morphofunctional aspects of the course of inflammatory parodontal disease in patients with nad-gastropathy

M. B. Haikin, M. A. Osadchuk

Самарский военно-медицинский институт


We determined the specifics of the course of inflammatory parodontal diseases in patients with NAD-gastropathy.The study established that chronic gingivitis and chronic parodontitis are more persistent when accompanied by NADgatsropathy. Helicobater infection causing a disorder of cellular regeneration of epitheliocytes in oral and gastric mucosa is one of the factors of the onset and development of both parodontal inflammation and NAD-gastropathy. Elimination of Helicobacter pylori in patients with the above-mentioned mixed disease has a positive impact on remission of both chronic gingivitis and chronic parodontitis.


NAD-gastropathy, parodontitis, gingivitis, elimination of Helicobacter pylori


Хайкин Максим Борисович — к. м. н., главврач Самарской городской стоматологической поликлиники № 1, e-mail: