UDK: 616.12-008.331.1- 072.7-053.2:616.13
L. V. Svetlova, E. S. Dergachev, Y. A. Ananieva, V. B. Zukova, N. V. Shakhova, M. Y. Ledyaev
Кафедра детских болезней ВолГМУ
The paper presents the results of studying the rigidity indices of great arteries, namely the time of pulse transit time (PTT), dp/dt, which were obtained as a result of processing the 24-hour monitoring data using a portable register BPLab. A stable negative correlation between the PTT index and systolic, diastolic, and pulse BP and heart rate in the 24-h dynamics was revealed. The possibility of using the PWP index calculated on the basis of the data of monitoring BP using BPLab MnSDP-3 as an additional rigidity index of great arteries while making clinical and physiological studies was proved.
rigidity, pulse transit time (PTT), 24-hour BP monitoring
Ледяев Михаил Яковлевич — д. м. н., профессор, зав. кафедрой детских болезней ВолГМУ, e-mail: myledyaev@gmail.com