UDK: 612.621.31:618.17:616.857-036.12-092
Kh. P. Derevyanko, V. V. Speransky
Башкирский государственный медицинский университет, Уфа
Results of studying a possible pathogenic correlation of tension headache and functional status of h ypophysialovarian system in women of reproductive age have been presented. 100 women with chronic tension headache and 30 women with episodic tension headache have been examined. It has been demonstrated that in case of chronic tension headache a marked imbalance of sex hormones and cortisol dependent on the phase of menstrual cycle is present. On the basis of the obtained data pathogenic correlation of chronic tension headache and hormonal deviations is considered.
tension headache, sex hormones in women
Христина Петровна Деревянко — аспирант Центральной научно-исследовательской лаборатории Башкирского государственного медицинского университета, e-mail: khristina@mail.ru