UDK: 616.14-06-036-08
G. V. Yarovenko, N. N. Navasardyan, S. E. Katorkin
Самарский государственный медицинский университет, Дорожная клиническая больница на станции Самара
Trophic skin lesions of lower extremities in patients with chronic venous insufficiency is a serious surgical problem. The results of comparative investigations of 65 patients with venous trophic ulcers are showed. In conservative treatment and postoperative applications of dermal fibroblasts, culture of wound covering «Voskopran» was used. This method is efficacious and greatly promotes the healing of trophic ulcers.
chronic venous insufficiency, trophic ulcer, fibroblastic culture
Яровенко Галина Викторовна — к. м. н., врач- хирург высшей категории клиники Самарского медицинского университета, e-mail: Yarovenko_galina@mail.ru