UDK: 616.34-007.272-005.4-002
P. E. Permjakov, A. A. Zhidovinov, V. A. Zurnadzhjanz, P. I. Chuprov, B. U. Uhanov
Астраханская государственная медицинская академия
On the basis of modern views on the mechanism of the isсhemia-reperfusion syndrome, occurring in patients of different ages, which is a complication of intestinal obstruction, we consider the need to study the results of laboratory tests in systemic inflammatory response before and after elimination of the intestinal obstruction. Prevention of developments of the isсhemia-reperfusion syndrome, early diagnostics and further prognosis of postoperative complications has shown that surgical tactics is justifiable in early postoperative period.
isсhemia/reperfusion syndrome, endotoxicosis, systemic inflammatory response
Жидовинов Алексей Александрович — д. м. н., Астраханская государственная медицинская академия, e-mail: jidovinov@mail.ru