UDK: 618.5-089.888.61-053.31+618.63-003.96
L. I. Ippolitova, I. I. Logvinova, I. N. Korotkikh
Воронежская государственная медицинская академия им. Н. Н. Бурденко
The analysis of the percularities of postnatal adaptation and feeding of 1337 infants born by Caesarean section was performed before and during labor with combined endotracheal anesthesia and regional anesthesia tech niques during full-term pregnancy. It was detected that the period of early neonatal adaptation in these infants is not favourable in comparison with infants born by normal physiological delivery i.e. the syndrome of CNS depression, respiratory disturbances are more frequently revealed, and a later restoration of the initial weight loss is detected. The decrease of lactation progressing rates was detected. There was a high percentage of hypogalactia in mothers of the present group. Thus there was a great risk of artificial feeding in such infants.
infants, cesarean section, adaptation, feeding
Ипполитова Людмила Ивановна — к. м. н., доцент кафедры неонатологии Воронежской государственной медицинской академии им. Н. Н. Бурденко, e-mail: ippolitowa@mail.ru