UDK: (618.11/14-006.36-085). 173
D. O. Babaeva
Дагестанский научный центр РАМН
On the grounds of the obtained results we think it reasonable that Doppler sonography in complex with other methods can be used to advantage for differential diagnostics of benign uterine and ovarian neoplasms. Reliability of Doppler sonography diagnostics mostly depends on the possibilities of the ultrasonic equipment and its optimum adjustment, as well as on the methods of Doppler investigation. Complex use of ultrasonic (transvaginal sonography) and Doppler sonography methods allowed us to raise the accuracy of the diagnostics of the pathological process of genitals to 99.9 %.
benign uterine and ovarian neoplasms, tumor blood flow, Doppler sonography, transvaginal sonography
Бабаева Диляра Оруджевна — врач акушер- гинеколог Республиканского перинатального центра г. Махачкалы, e-mail: Raisa@list.ru