UDK: 616.381-008.6
V. P. Zipunnikov, A. V. Komarov, A. D. Sapozhnikov
Кафедра урологии, нефрологии и трансплантации факультета усовершенствования врачей ВолГМУ
An analysis of retroperitoneal fibrosis problem shows that there is still no universally accepted al gorithm of treatment. The article offers detailed analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the main methods of idiopathic retroperitoneal fibrosis treatment.
retroperitoneal fibrosis, kidney autotransplantation.
Сапожников Аркадий Давидович — к. м. н., доцент урологии, нефрологии, трансплантологии ФУВ ВолГМУ, e-mail: vounc@gmail.ru