UDK: 616.832-004.2
A. A. Saranov, V. A. Rybak, O. V. Kurushina, A. E. Barulin
Кафедра неврологии, нейрохирургии с курсом медицинской генетики ВолГМУ
Symptomatic treatment of multiple sclerosis is still an important problem. Headaches and psychovegetative disturbances are highly prevalent in patients with multiple sclerosis. The paper presents results of treatment of cephalalgias and psychovegetative disturbances with combination of antidepressant valdoxan and transcranial electrostimulation of cerebral endorphine generating structures.
cephalalgias, psychovegetative disturbances, multiple sclerosis, valdoxan, transcranial electrostimulation.
Рыбак Вера Александровна — д. м. н., профессор, зав. кафедрой неврологии, нейрохирургии с курсом медицинской генетики ВолГМУ, e-mail: neurology@tele-kom.ru