UDK: 616.12-008.331-053.6-085.83
E. I. Volchanskiy, A. N. Zhidkich
Кафедра детских болезней педиатрического факультета ВолГМУ
The study showed that treatment by transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain (TES therapy) in adolescents with hypertensive first-degree leads to a normalization of autonomic influences on the vascular link hemodynamics, optimization of hemodynamic parameters, improving the wellbeing of patients without the risk of side effects. Non-pharmacological therapy by transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain is more effective and adequate than traditional el ectrotherapeutic sleep. By affecting hemodynamics transcranial electrical stimulation of the brain has a normalizing effect and can be recommended as a method of antihypertensive therapy in adolescents.
TES therapy, hypertension, adolescents
Жидких Андрей Николаевич — врач-кардиолог кардиологического отделения Волгоградской областной детской клинической больницы, заочный аспирант кафедры детских болезней педиатрического факультета ВолГМУ, e-mail: Zhidckiх2011@yandex.ru