Journal of VolgSMU
Quarterly scientific-practical journal

UDK: 612:616-053.5 (470.45)

Comparative assessment of physical development of schoolchildren in Volgograd

Davidenko L.A.

Кафедра общей гигиены и экологии ВолГМУ


A comparative assessment of physical development of schoolage children (7–17) in Volgograd was undertaken on the basis of two investigations, carried out uniformly with an interval of 25 years. It was revealed that the growth processes in younger schoolchildren have stabilized. In most age and sex groups the body length of modern schoolchildren keeps increasing; the high rates of height and weight increase have been preserved. A decrease in chest circumference was revealed, especially in boys, as well as a decrease in strength, un the rate of muscle development and vital capacity of the lungs. For a more precise assessment of the dynamics of young people’ s physical development at various points in time and in different age groups in a specific region, monitoring of physical development is considered to be indispensable.



Кафедра общей гигиены и экологии ВолГМУ