UDK: 617.55-002.1-089.168.1-06:616.36-008.64:616.61-008.64
G. I. Zhidovinov, I. N. Klimovich, V. V. Matyukhin
Кафедра госпитальной хирургии ВолГМУ
Abstract. Development of hepatorenal syndrome (HRS) leads to high mortality rate in acute abdominal surgical pathology (AASP). This investigation studies the role of acute intestinal failure (AIF) in development of HRS. Experimental and clinical studies show that in AASP first the intestine, with development of AIF, and then the liver and kidneys were damaged. Opening of intestine, a natural reservoir of endotoxins, leads to a failure of hepatic and renal compensatory functions and development of HRS. New data about pathogenesis of HRS in AASP allow us to develop an algorithm of treatment, which brings down the rate of postoperative development of HRS from 34 to 27,5 % and decreases the transition of mild form of HRS to severe form by 23 %.
hepatorenal syndrome, acute intestinal failure
Жидовинов Геннадий Ипполитович – д.м.н., профессор кафедры госпитальной хирургии ВолГМУ, 8 (8442) 35-17-91