UDK: 616.24-002.191-053.2
D. F. Sergienko, H. M. Galimzianov, O. A. Bashkina
Астраханская государственная медицинская академия
Levels of pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines in children with cystic fibrosis (CF) in chronic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection depending on the severity of the disease were studied. An increase in production of pro- and antiinflammatory cytokines with an increase in severity of CF in blood serum and in sputum of patients was demonstrated. With increasing severity of the disease a decrease in cellular immune response and humoral activation was noted. High levels of IL-1, IL-6 in habitats may indirectly indicate the presence of bronchiectasis, which requires further investigation and, if necessary, correction of treatment.
cystic fibrosis, children, cytokines.
Сергиенко Диана Фекретовна — к. м. н., доцент кафедры факультетской педиатрии Астраханской государственной медицинской академии, e-mail: gazken@rambler.ru