UDK: 577.112+616.36-006-092.4
Y. I. Velikorodnaya, A. Y. Pocheptsov
Научно-исследовательский институт гигиены, токсикологии и профпатологии, Волгоград
We demonstrated that the number of cells expressing vimentin and smooth muscle actin cells in the liver tissue was rapidly increasing in the first 4 weeks. After 8 weeks of progressing fibrosis the number of vimentin positive cells was stabilized and the number of actin positive cells continued to grow.
liver fibrosis, extracellular matrix, immunohistochemistry, vimentin, smooth muscle actin.
Почепцов Александр Яковлевич — заведующий лабораторией патоморфологии, ФГУП Научно-исследовательский институт гигиены, токсикологии и профпатологии ФМБА России, e-mail: pochepcov@rihtop.ru