UDK: 616.381-002-089
V. A. Golbrach, S. S. Maskin, V. V. Mathuhin, D. S. Zemlyakov, T. V. Derbentseva
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет
A total of 480 patients diagnosed with generalized purulent peritonitis were enrolled in the study, of which 160 patients underwent elective relaparotomy. The patients were stratified into those having a high or low risk of developing intra-abdominal purulent complications. Relaparotomy was indicated if the risk of developing intra-abdominal complications was high. Based on the severity stratification scores, the patients were divided into 3 groups of those having low (0—8 score), high (9—15 score) and extremely high (16—18 score) risk of developing intra-abdominal purulent complications. The use of severity stratification score resulted in a 25,5 % reduction in mortality in patients who had elective relaparotomy compared with 38,7 % of deaths in patients who underwent emergency relaparotomy.
generalized purulent peritonitis, stratification, planned relaparotomy, on-demand relaparotomy.
Гольбрайх Вячеслав Аркадьевич — д. м. н., профессор кафедры госпитальной хирургии, Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: golbrach@yand.ru