UDK: 615.038+616-097
A. V. Strygin, A. S. Klyausov, A. M. Dotsenko, A. O. Strygina, E. I. Morkovin
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, Волгоградский медицинский научный центр
This article presents the results of a study performed to estimate the effects of combined therapy with Perchlozon and antibodies against human CD4 and gamma-interferon in patients with HIV and pulmonary tuberculosis during the antiretroviral therapy. Perchlozon and antibodies against human CD4 and gamma-interferon combined with antiretroviral therapy were found to increase the number of CD4+ cells and IL-4 concentrations in blood plasma, which could have a good prognostic value for treatment of patients with HIV and lung tuberculosis co-infection.
HIV, pulmonary tuberculosis, co-infection, Perchlozon, antiretroviral therapy, antibodies against human CD4 and gamma-interferon.
Стрыгин Андрей Валерьевич — к. м. н., зав. кафедрой фундаментальной медицины и биологии, Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: drumsav@mail.ru