UDK: 612.82:616-053.5
G.A. Yamanova, V.G. Serdyukov, A.A. Antonova
ФГБОУ ВО «Астраханский государственный медицинский университет» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации
The aim of the work was a comparative assessment of the functional state of the nervous system of students of secondary schools and specialized educational institutions on the example of the Cossack cadet corps. In the course of the work, 65 students of the cadet corps and 103 students of secondary schools aged 11–13 years were examined using a hardware and software complex for screening and assessing the level of psychophysiological and somatic health, recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The state of the nervous system of both secondary school and cadet students corresponded to the average values of this age group. The high level of neuroticism in both groups was revealed. Indicators of the speed of complex visual-motor reaction among cadets were significantly higher than among schoolchildren (p = 0,044, student's criterion). Based on the data obtained, the capabilities of the nervous system of the cadets of the Cossack cadet corps are significantly higher than those of secondary school students. The study allows us to draw a conclusion about the need to control the capabilities of the nervous system of children and adolescents studying in both specialized and General education institutions.
children, teenagers, cadets, reaction level, functional capabilities of the nervous system, visual-motor reaction, neuroticism.
Яманова Галина Александровна – ассистент кафедры общей гигиены, Астраханский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: galina_262@mail.ru