UDK: 618.11-006.6
Ye. V. Novichkov
Кировская государственная медицинская академия
Quantimetrical and immunohistichemical characteristics of ovarian cancer with high risk of relapse compared with ovarian carcinoma without recurrences were studied on operative and biopsy material from 120 patients. It was established that serous ovarian carcinoma with high risk of tumor relapse had a lesser cellular size, but a higher nuclear-cellular ratio. Morphometrical criteria of early cancer relapse (up to 6 months) and late recurrences of tumor growth were detected. Immunohistochemical parameters (mt p53, PCNA) allow a reliable prediction of relapse of serous ovarian cancer.
ovarian cancer, recurrent tumor, morphometry, immunohistochemical analysis
Новичков Евгений Владимирович — кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры патологической анатомии Кировской государственной медицинской академии, e-mail: novichkovjenya@mail.ru