UDK: 613.6:664.6
L. V. Khlyustova, L. P. Slivina, A. V. Petrayevsky
Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, кафедра офтальмологии, кафедра гигиены ФУВ
We have studied the organization and working conditions of workers of the basic professional groups at large baking enterprises. A need to develop and implement a complex of hygienic measures optimizing the technological process, working conditions and the mode of work of working women is substantiated.
bakery production, occupational factors.
Хлюстова Лариса Васильевна — ассистент кафедры офтальмологии, Волгоградский государственный медицинский университет, e-mail: vladimirstark@ mail.ru